This week with TTR: Autumn fun!

Hi friends,
Join us this weekend to enjoy two fun runs in early Autumn scenery!
Keep following our newsletter and our Facebook page for more announcements and updates.
Ooyama downhill fun run
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Start | Hadano station - Saturday the 26th from 08.10 |
End | Tsurumakionsen station - ~13.30 |
beginners run | 16 km +1596m ~5,5h |
Contact | |
Let's enjoy a fast descent! We will start in Hadano station at 08.10 and end in Tsurumakionsen station around 13.30. This beginners course is 16km long, with an elevation gain of 1596m, and is open to 20 participants.
Trail running shoes required.
Bring at least 1 liter of water (there are vending machines along the way).
The start and finish stations are separate, so please carry all your luggage with you.
If you wish, you can use a nearby hot spring after the finish.
To avoid startling hikers on the course, do not run straight through, but stop to greet and pass them. Greet other trail runners as well.
下り坂を楽しく走ってみませんか? Hadano駅を08.10に出発し、Tsurumakionsen駅頃13.30にゴールを目指します。 全長16km、標高差1596mのbeginnersコースで20人の方にもご参加いただけます。
Intermediate 15K: Nenogongen Temple, Peak of Izugatake, and Local Matsuri Finish!
⬆ Click above to join
Start | Agano station - Sunday the 27th from 09.30 |
End | Shoumaru station - ~14.15 |
intermediate run | 15 km +1000+m ~4.45h |
Contact | |
Let's enjoy training in autumn scenery! We will start in Agano station at 09.30 and end in Shoumaru station around 14.15. This intermediate course is 15km long, with an elevation gain of 1000+m, and is open to 30 participants.
Total distance will be in the area of 15K or longer, depending on the descent course at the end (we recommend carrying everything or leaving a bag at Hanno Station).
- Beautiful & historical Nenogongen Temple
- Fantastic views from the rocky peak of Izugatake (if safe on the day, some runners can take the chained mounaineer's route. Others will choose the safer and more usual trail up)
- Communal festival at Shomaru Station. Many of these people are volunteers for TTR events that look forward to meeting you.
Not exactly an easy run, as the up and down between the temple and the peak is long and tough. However, a super training run with early autumn scenery.
Please do spend 20 minutes or more at the festival at the finish. Most of the participants are TTR volunteers from the local community. They will have food, beer, and other drinks that you can purchase. Share a smile and make friends with the locals! This will be a very simple festival, nothing major, but share some mountain love with local TTR supporters!
To avoid startling hikers on the course, do not run straight through, but stop to greet and pass them. Greet other trail runners as well.
秋の風景を楽しく走ってみませんか? Agano駅を09.30に出発し、Shoumaru駅頃14.15にゴールを目指します。 全長15km、標高差1000+mのintermediateコースで30人の方にもご参加いただけます。