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This week with TTR: Future plans!

This week with TTR: Future plans!

Hi friends,

Now that the New Year party is over, all the plans from 2024 are really over.

It almost feels strange to have only one event listed, isn't it?

But no worries, behind the scenes we already have many new ideas brewing, with winter runs, long runs and even a very promising new route. See you soon!

Keep following our newsletter and our Facebook page for more announcements and updates.

Takao morning run and coffee! ☕

⬆ Click above to join

StartTakaosanguchi station - Saturday the 1st from 08.30
EndTakaosanguchi station - ~11.00
Beginners run 15 km +495m ~2,5h


Let's enjoy a quick morning run in nature! We will start in Takaosanguchi station at 08.30 and end in Takaosanguchi station around 11.00. This Beginners course is 15km long, with an elevation gain of 495 m, and is open to 30 participants.

Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1jvdiszzTa_CgQ5831v4eLsDqpj8eBTI&ll=35.61654036433467%2C139.269779&z=14

💧 Bring at least 1 liter of water (there are vending machines along the way).
🗄 The run starts and ends at the same station, which has lockers you may use and share.
♨ If you wish, you can use a nearby hot spring after the finish.
⚠ To avoid startling hikers on the course, do not run straight through, but stop to greet and pass them. Greet other trail runners as well.
🥛🍬 There will be a break with food and drinks. Please bring a cup and your snacks.

自然の朝を楽しく走ってみませんか? Takaosanguchi駅を08.30に出発し、Takaosanguchi駅11.00頃にゴールを目指します。 全長15km、標高差495mのBeginnersコースで30人の方にもご参加いただけます。

地図: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1jvdiszzTa_CgQ5831v4eLsDqpj8eBTI&ll=35.61654036433467%2C139.269779&z=14

💧 水を最低1リットルは持って来て下さい(途中に自販機もあります)。
🗄 スタートとゴールは同じ駅なのでコインロッカーを使えます。
♨ 希望者はゴール後近くの温泉を利用できます何人か行くと思います。
⚠ コース上のハイカーを驚かせないよう、そのまま走り抜けず止まって挨拶して抜きましょう。他のトレイルランナーにも挨拶しましょう。
🥛🍬 軽食と飲み物で休憩あり。カップとお菓子をご持参ください。