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This week with TTR: See you tonight!

This week with TTR: See you tonight!

Hi friends,

Can't wait to see you all at the pub in a few hours! Have a lovely weekend

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[UPPER INTERMEDIATE - MAX12] Miyagase to Tanzawa winter classic 🏔❄

⬆ Click above to join

StartHashimoto North Exit station - Saturday the 25th from 8.50
EndShibusawa station station - ~16.30
Upper intermediate run 24 km +1700m ~8h


Let's enjoy winter mountain views! We will start in Hashimoto North Exit station at 8.50 and end in Shibusawa station station around 16.30. This Upper intermediate course is 24km long, with an elevation gain of 1700 m, and is open to 12 participants.

CRAMPONS + HEADLIGHT REQUIRED: see note belowLet's enjoy a beautiful North-South traverse of the Tanzawa range in Kanagawa, through a classic TTR route.We will meet at the North exit of Hashimoto station, just outside the building.

We will then take the 橋07(鳥居原ふれあいの館行) bus from 橋本駅北口 at 9.05 https://www.jorudan.co.jp/bus/rosen/stoplist/?Ddd=9&Dhh=9...
After a pretty 2,5 km run along the lake, we will start a ridge climb to Takahata and Honma no kashira before reaching our high point of Tanzawa (1567m). Then we run some rolling hills to Tounodake, where the views of Fuji are spectacular in clear weather. After, get ready for the long descent on the ridge down to Okura, where there is a bus stop to Shibusawa station on the Odakyu line.

-CRAMPONS REQUIRED: we do not expect snow throughout like last year, but the top of Tanzawa might be snowy. You can find them on Rakuten/Amazon as アイゼン/crampons for about 2000 JPY with shipping
-HEADLAMP REQUIRED: since we'll party the day before, we set the start as late as possible, which means we're scheduled to end just at sundown. The descent to Shibusawa is wide and comfortable, but do bring a headlamp for your safety
-Hashimoto is a large station with both JR and Keio exits. For simplicity, let's meet at the north exit, on the piazza just ourside the building.
-Be on time for the bus, since there will be no later options.
-We will be on safe but steep ground in winter and trail running shoes are recommended
-This is an intermediate event. You will be expected to tackle this long, steep course at a brisk pace
-Bring a mask/buff
-There is no water on the mountain, so please bring plenty
-This is a winter run on higher altitude, dress appropriately (wind shell, gloves, hat, etc)

Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1vjtntQh35BKlwRk85vrLwri6J52RmH0&usp=sharing"

👟 Trail running shoes required.
💧 Bring at least 1 liter of water (there are vending machines along the way).
🎒 The start and finish stations are separate, so please carry all your luggage with you.
⚠ To avoid startling hikers on the course, do not run straight through, but stop to greet and pass them. Greet other trail runners as well.
🔦 This is a night run and you will need a headlamp to join. Contact the organizer if needed, he might have one to lend you.
🧤❄️ Winter clothes required

冬山の眺めを楽しく走ってみませんか? Hashimoto North Exit駅を8.50に出発し、Shibusawa station駅16.30頃にゴールを目指します。 全長24km、標高差1700mのUpper intermediateコースで12人の方にもご参加いただけます。

地図: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1vjtntQh35BKlwRk85vrLwri6J52RmH0&usp=sharing

👟 トレイルランニングシューズ必須。
💧 水を最低1リットルは持って来て下さい(途中に自販機もあります)。
🎒 スタートとゴールは別の駅なので荷物は全部持って移動して下さい。
⚠ コース上のハイカーを驚かせないよう、そのまま走り抜けず止まって挨拶して抜きましょう。他のトレイルランナーにも挨拶しましょう。
🔦 ナイトランなので、参加にはヘッドランプが必要です。主催者に連絡すれば、貸してくれるかもしれない。
🧤❄️ 防寒着必須

StartAshigakubo station station - Sunday the 26th from 09.05
EndAshigakubo station station - ~13.30
Intermediate run 15 km +1000m ~4.30h


Meet us at Ashigakubo station at 9:05 am. Highlights are the winter robai flowers, Ice Display at Ashigakubo Station (you will need to pay a few hundred yen entrance fee),and superb views from the top of Maruyama. The course can be very cold in the winter, so bring winter clothes.
Note: Some runners may choose to descend to Buko Onsen near Yokoze Station. This will bring the total run to over 20K. Ask us for more information on the day if you are interested.

👟 Trail running shoes required.
💧 Bring at least 1 liter of water (there are vending machines along the way).
🗄 The run starts and ends at the same station, which has lockers you may use and share.
♨ If you wish, you can use a nearby hot spring after the finish.
⚠ To avoid startling hikers on the course, do not run straight through, but stop to greet and pass them. Greet other trail runners as well.
🧤❄️ Winter clothes required

冬の花と景色を楽しく走ってみませんか? Ashigakubo station駅を09.05に出発し、Ashigakubo station駅13.30頃にゴールを目指します。 全長15km、標高差1000mのIntermediateコースで30人の方にもご参加いただけます。

👟 トレイルランニングシューズ必須。
💧 水を最低1リットルは持って来て下さい(途中に自販機もあります)。
🗄 スタートとゴールは同じ駅なのでコインロッカーを使えます。
♨ 希望者はゴール後近くの温泉を利用できます何人か行くと思います。
⚠ コース上のハイカーを驚かせないよう、そのまま走り抜けず止まって挨拶して抜きましょう。他のトレイルランナーにも挨拶しましょう。
🧤❄️ 防寒着必須