This week with TTR: Peaks and waterfalls!

Hi friends,
We keep our pace up in May with two long and sporty runs, with a new route in Yamanashi on Saturday and our second recon/試走 for the Okumusashi race on Sunday, courtesy of trail veteran Brian <3
Keep following our newsletter and our Facebook page for more announcements and updates.
Takigo Mountain & Waterfalls
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Start | Sasago Station - Sat 18th from 09:45 |
End | Kai-Yamato Station - ~13:30 |
Upper intermediate run | long distance, steep climbs - +1200m |
Contact | |
- Maximum 10 people or permission
Rising 1,600 meters above Otsuki, Takigo Mountain is an interesting trail run with some waterfalls and, in clear weather, super views of Mt. Fuji. This will be the second "official" TTR run for this course, which means there could be some areas where we need to stop and check that everyone is heading in the right direction
The waterfalls are delightful for a quick and quite cold shower, if you dare!
Obviously in the late spring on such a long climb, be sure to carry enough water to stay hydrated. The total climb is about 1,200 meters. There are no services at all until the end (a convenience store at Hatsukari Station). The start, Sasago Station, has only a few hanbaiki (drink machines). Please carry everything as the finish is one station down the line. You may need some snacks or a light lunch.
It's good fun, and Tokyoites will be home sooner than you may expect!
Okumusashi Long Trail 105K partial recon/試走 🏃♂️🏃♀️🏅
⬆ Click above to join
Start | Hanno central park - Sunday 19th from 08:00 |
End | Nolla, ~19:00 (then bus to Hanno ~20:30 at the latest) |
Advanced run | Steep route, long distance, technical passages (42 km. +3000m ~10h) |
Contact | |
Let's stretch our limits with this beautiful, challenging run.
The Okumusashi Long Trail is our main event of the year and the 105k is its main, most epic race.
As we give the final touches, our dear friend Brian has been so kind to volunteer to guide a recon on the first 42km of the race course.
While he will not always keep a race pace, you can expect this event to be more sport-oriented than usual and requires advanced levels of skill and fitness.
-Will cancel in case of rain
-This is a marathon-length route with over 3000 m of elevation. Only join if you ran similar distances, possibly at race pace
-Meeting point is next to the Atom/Astroboy statue in Chuo Park. You can't miss it!
-Bring a head-lamp, enough food and most importantly water. This will be a long run.
-There are dropout points at least for the first 27km, if needed. feeling it.
-There are vending machines at 17, 20, 26k.
-Return should not be a problem, since buses from the Nolla area run fairly late,
-There are lockers at both Hanno stations and a casual sento nearby
-Have a good rest on Saturday, you'll need all your strength!
-Don’t worry, we will skip the infamous Takedera Piston 😄