This week with TTR: Last minute weekend!

Hi friends,
First of all, let's cheer our race heroes of the week: at the Jungle Guruguru, Fra Francis and Olivier Ehlinger arrived respectively 4th and 10th in the 40km while Natsumi Gibbens barely missed the end of her epic 120 km journey. And congrats to Derder Lin, finisher at the Ulju Nine Peaks!
Talking about the runs, this weather forced us to shuffle things around, but we still have a lovely (last minute) plan this week, with a new local run and the always excellent Kentoku-zan.
And next week we will have a little gem: the 30km four lakes route in Kawaguchiko with Autumn foliage at it peak. Again, details might change but mark the date!
Keep following our newsletter and our Facebook page for more announcements and updates.
[INTERMEDIATE-MAX 10] Hachioji castle fast climb
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Start | Takao station - Sunday the 3rd from 09.00 |
End | Takao station - ~14.30 |
intermediate run | 25 km +1337m ~5,30h |
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Let's enjoy training through nature and history! We will start in Takao station at 09.00 and end in Takao station around 14.30. This intermediate course is 25km long, with an elevation gain of 1337 m, and is open to 10 participants.
Trail running shoes required.
Bring at least 1 liter of water (there are vending machines along the way).
If you wish, you can use a nearby hot spring after the finish.
To avoid startling hikers on the course, do not run straight through, but stop to greet and pass them. Greet other trail runners as well.
トレーニングと歴史を楽しく走ってみませんか? Takao駅を09.00に出発し、Takao駅頃14.30にゴールを目指します。 全長25km、標高差1337mのintermediateコースで10人の方にもご参加いただけます。
Kentoku-zan Climb: Upper Intermediate
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Start | Enzan station - Monday the 4rd from 09.00 |
End | Enzan station - ~14.00 |
upper intermediate run | 14.00 km +1000+m ~5h |
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10 Person Max
This run covers only 14 km but is rated as upper intermediate due to the chains and the long climb.
Kentokuzan is perhaps the most attractive 2,000-meter peak near Tokyo. The start and finish are a short bus ride from Enzan Station, where you can leave a bag in the lockers. If public transportation does not work out, a shared taxi may be necessary.
The climb is steep, and the final sections are vertical with chains. Please do not apply if you are afraid of heights! There are a couple of bypasses for those who might feel uncomfortable with this much exposure, but overall, I recommend not applying if you have doubts about your ability to navigate rock terrain. The chains are very secure and attract large groups of climbers, but the peak offers a small taste of alpinism.
Pack a warm jacket or fleece, and a windbreaker or shell. Parts of the course may be quite muddy from recent rain, so consider bringing spare shoes and clothes to store in the lockers at Enzan Station.
Special Note: Be aware that guides may change the course to avoid the final summit if conditions are unfavorable.
[UPPER INTERMEDIATE - MAX10] Four lakes of Fuji
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Start | Kawaguchiko (JR) station - Sunday the 10th from 09.20 |
End | Kawaguchiko (JR) station - ~15.00 |
UPPER INTERMEDIATE run | 30 km +711m ~5.30h |
Contact | |
Let's enjoy foliage and stunning views! We will start in Kawaguchiko (JR) station at 09.20 and end in Kawaguchiko (JR) station around 15.00. This UPPER INTERMEDIATE course is 30km long, with an elevation gain of 711 m, and is open to 10 participants.
Bring at least 1 liter of water (there are vending machines along the way).
The run starts and ends at the same station, which has lockers you may use and share.
If you wish, you can use a nearby hot spring after the finish.
To avoid startling hikers on the course, do not run straight through, but stop to greet and pass them. Greet other trail runners as well.
紅葉と絶景を楽しく走ってみませんか? Kawaguchiko (JR)駅を09.20に出発し、Kawaguchiko (JR)駅15.00頃にゴールを目指します。 全長30km、標高差711mのUPPER INTERMEDIATEコースで10人の方にもご参加いただけます。