1 min read

This week with TTR: Nothing 😅

This week with TTR: Nothing 😅

Hi friends,

Time flies! Almost one year ago, on the 27th of July 2023 we sent out the very first "Runs of the week" newsletter.

And each single week we had some new, fun event for you. Alas, not this week: all guides had other plans so there will be no TTR run on July 13/14.

This had to happen at some point: we're just a tiny group of volunteers after all. So let's take this chance to remind that we're always happy to welcome new guides: if we've been running for a while, and you would like to host an event, give us a shout.

From comfy to hardcore, from close to far, we'd be excited to see it all. As the saying goes: don't think, run!

Keep following our newsletter and our Facebook page for more announcements and updates.